
Down, down, deeper and down

I’m not really depressed or anything, just a bit pissed off, mainly for the following reasons…

1. The whole ‘Bush’ thing. As Winston Churchill said…

“Democracy is the worst form of government, apart
from all the others.”

2. I’m semi-immobile and I don’t like it. The foot I sprained has ballooned up to twice it’s normal size – I’m hoping this is part of the healing process!!!

3. The clocks have gone back. It’s all very lovely having an extra hour in bed for one Sunday, but it’s so dark so early. I’m sure we’d manage if Scotland had their own time-zone and we could have the sunshine for a bit longer during the winter

4. My big, funky dinner plates don’t fit in my new dishwasher.

5. I have a paper cut on my thumb. Paper sucks.

However, I’m looking on the bright side. There’s nothing there that’s really all that bad, and there’s millions of people who have it a lot worse (although that doesn’t make me feel better at all)!

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