This treasure is from the garden – lovely apples! I think I will always have fruit trees for as long as I have a garden; for very little effort you get a big pay off!
Talking of treasure, this was taken with my NEW Polaroid SX-70 – my last one died. I may try hacking into the old one, try to fix it, but I can see it living out its dotage as a fancy bookend – which is cool with me.
I got this one from eBay for a really good price it arrived today and I was so eager I never checked to see if the rollers were clean – as you can see, they are not. Apart from that it’s perfect – hunky-dory – mint-ish condition, an ever-ready case and original instructions/literature. Get in!
Have you found any good bargains lately?
Polaroid SX-70 (with dirty rollers) and Time Zero Artistic film
24 August 2011 at 04:46Horray for treasures! I recently found this beauty…
I have no idea how to work it or if it even works but if free time finds me I may tinker around with it.
24 August 2011 at 09:53What a great find – that’s a real beauty and I love your photo of it. Be careful though – old cameras can become a bit of an addiction!