
The hours

12 hours of my life:

8am Oh, why did I stay up so late last night? Why do I stay up so late every night? Why does amnesia set in during the course of the day, meaning I start the day with great intentions thinking “I’m going to bed soooo early tonight” and end the day thinking “Just ten more minutes” until it’s 2am?!

9am So it’s off to work I go. Obviously the snooze-button got utilised a to the max this morning so I’ve eaten no breakfast and am feeling super-grumpy (magnify this ten-fold as it’s a Monday). Weather is craptastic which is not helping matters. Nor the fact that every radio station is filled with either fist-shaking racists or ‘guess the year’ 80s pop. Shut up!

coffee fixes everything

10am Need coffee. Need coffee.

11am Work today seems to mainly consist of adding red, white and blue bunting to various banner ads and promotional materials – judging from all the email newsletter I’m mysteriously signed-up to receive, I don’t think I’m the only graphic designer suffering this fate! Actually I’m quite OK with jubilee-fever, it’s soothing work actually – and it beats working as a [ insert worst job in world here… acid miner? vagazzler? tiger dentist? ].

12pm See 11am.

bunting and lunch

1pm 1 o’clock means it’s time for the gourmet masterpiece that is my lunch; egg sammo, crisps and diet coke. Thank frack for diet coke.

2pm It’s a very good job I don’t work from home because I’d definitely be needing a little lie down right about now.

3pm Just one meeting today and luckily it was a quickie. And look, I think the sun is shining now too! Not exactly paddling-pool weather or lessons under the shade of a tree heat but MUCH better. Well done, climate! (Shame I’m hermetically sealed into an office building).

4pm Am cracking on with my work but I’m on auto-pilot now – my only conscious thoughts are the two battling in my head: “Let’s have a coffee, and maybe a bun, too!” vs. “Addict! No coffee for you and definitely no bun either, fatty!” (The rude one is winning. It’s probably for the best).

5pm Didn’t have the coffee (or the bun). Feeling a bit crazed to be honest – my brain has a back-log of ideas it’s been churning away throughout the day which I’ve had to hit the pause button on until I get home from work. Not long now!

me, me, me, me

6pm Home! Slippers on. (Are slippers just for toddlers and oldies? I don’t care!) Now I can have a coffee, surely? (Alter ego has said it’s OK but I’m not allowed biccies).

7pm This is the bit of the day I need to improve – I end up wasting so much time. I’m being pulled in so many different directions I end up chasing my tail and doing very little (dinner, cleaning, reading, writing, laundry, photography, sketching, ironing, planning, exercise, socialising, blogging…) help!

8pm Have decided on blogging (obviously). And cooking/eating (stuffed tomatoes). And NOT ironing, cleaning, doing any housework etc). You get the picture.

This takes us up to right now; that’s twelve hours of my life. How was your day?


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  • Reply
    21 May 2012 at 22:09

    my monday was very similar! no bunting though :)

    • Reply
      22 May 2012 at 19:43

      The bunting was the best bit!

  • Reply
    Life with Kaishon
    21 May 2012 at 23:06

    I completely and totally understand!

    • Reply
      22 May 2012 at 19:44

      Life’s like that, isn’t it :)

  • Reply
    Victoria Smith
    22 May 2012 at 01:26

    Angie – love this post. It’s funny, but I think my day went basically the same. I resisted the afternoon cookies, but did break down for a latte to rev the engines a bit to power the rest of the afternoon at work. Had to go to work frightfully early today. I had a field project starting and I had to be at the office to shoo the dears off to what will likely be a brutal 10-day session in very tough terrain…ah, to be young, fit, and doing fieldwork all week – no wonder I was so thin was I was younger! Now I’m happily at home, comfy clothes on, and sipping a nice glass o’ vino while playing online.

    • Reply
      22 May 2012 at 19:45

      Thank you :) I am am SO not an early morning person, so I am in great admiration – well done you, you’ve earned that wine!

  • Reply
    22 May 2012 at 07:45

    Angie, I’m so glad you chose blogging instead of the housework etc. this made me smile :)

    • Reply
      22 May 2012 at 19:46

      I choose most things over housework 😉

  • Reply
    leonie wise
    23 May 2012 at 07:28

    usually the first thing i do when i get home is hop into my pj’s and put my slippers on. so i’m right there with ya.

    • Reply
      24 May 2012 at 22:12

      Phew, glad I’m not the only one! (Although the hotness is making me go bare foot right now). (Not complaining). :)

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