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You'll Do print from PaperPaper

Oh, hello!

Firstly, happy Valentine’s Day! Things I haven’t done for ages: blogged! (sorry) read anyone elses blog (sorry) used Facebook (although this was deliberate – I was having strange feelings about it) taken a photo that wasn’t with my phone.…

paperpaper - diamond and tanzanite

Birthstone prints

Purchasing a birthstone for a loved-ones birthday is such a thoughtful gift – a little on the spendy side though. Never fear though – I have the solution! I have created these new birthstone prints so you can show the same…

paperpaper - eyechart

How’s your eyesight?

I’ve always loved the typographical arrangement of those eye test charts you’re made to read from at the opticians, so I thought I’d adapt the idea for this print. In case you can’t quite see it in this photo…