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Film Photography

Soft and blue

Here’s another installment of Pentax K1000 piccies. Sorry the subject matter is a little dull but I was testing it out to make sure it work so I was snapping at anything and everything, like a madwoman! (Including yet…

Film Photography

Another camera

Can’t stop long. I have all sort of plates spinning here and I can see one or two of them slowing down and looking very precarious! I had to share a few of piccies though, as I have just…

Film Photography


Can’t think of any words today, I’ve used todays quota on work stuff, so here’s a random photo. This is another shot from my Lomo LC-A so it’s 35mm film which is really clever at scooping up and balancing…

Film Photography


Whenever I’m out and about in a town and stuck for something interesting to photograph I’ll often look to shop windows for inspiration. They’re normally nice and colourful, they don’t move or complain and are conveniently always changing through…

Film Photography

Snap happy

I have now entered the world of the Lomo. A bulging package was UPS’d to me all the way from Vienna. This means I now own a Pop-9 and an Actionsampler Flash – woohoo! It’s all a bit strange…