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85mm f/1.8 USM lens

Digital Photography


One of the places we went to on our recent visit to Cornwall was Trebah Gardens. Something I wasn’t expecting to find there – or anywhere come to that – was a soap museum. As we’d paid £5 each…

Digital Photography


Rowan trees are just decadent, the way they drip with fecund globs of berries. Huge clusters of redness screaming against the blue August skies. I love them.…

Digital Photography

Photo Friday – Circle

Yes, I am still alive! Without realisisng it I have kind of given myself an unofficial summer break from blogging (save for the occassional photo or general outburst). But, as the shops are now crammed with grumpy kids being…

Digital Photography

Finishing touches

Do you think that nowadays anyone would go to the trouble to make the metal bracing bits on a railway bridge look quite so pretty? I think not. Thank goodness for the Victorans and their little flourishes in unexpected…

Digital Photography

Pine cone

As there’s no photo friday challenge this week, here’s a photo of a pine cone instead!…

Digital Photography


Tonight was the longest night of the year. I have been spending the dark nights (and afternoons) eating turkish delight, wrapping christmas gifts with overpriced paper and taking photos of house plants. It’s a novelty at the moment, but…