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Canon EOS 40D

Digital Photography

Winter growth

If you pull your gaze away from the power station (just out of shot) there’s some really very nice reedy countryside.…

Digital Photography


Calshot Castle. Not the most spectacular of castles (you get a bit blasé about them when you live in jolly old england) but a lot more interesting than a photo of what I had for tea tonight, which was…

Digital Photography

Before dark

Yes, it’s another sunset. I get so excited when I see real life daylight though that I just can’t help myself. This was not long after 3:30 in the afternoon. THREE THIRTY PEE EM! That’s mad. I could easily…



Today I got to enjoy some daylight. Just. This was taken at about 3:45 this afternoon on the way back from Calshot. Winter may suck, big time in a lot of ways but you’ve got to love those bare,…

Digital Photography


Waiting for onions to saute. Autumn mushrooms are just the best! Eaten with tomatoes, lots of oregano and pasta. Very tasty.…

Digital Photography

A walk in the park

Yesterday was a very Sunday-ish day, which is not surprising at all as it was, in fact, Sunday. The highlight was being outdoors in good weather and natural daylight! It has been many, many days since this has happened…

Digital Photography


I went for a walk today. Just me, my keys and my camera. It’s surprising how relaxing it is when there’s no phone – especially when it’s full of apps that stop you engaging with the world around you.…

Digital Photography


Today has been REALLY stormy – especially here on the south coast with 100mph winds. Late afternoon I went for a walk up and down the Town Quay – all the birds were acting strangely – you can’t see…

Digital Photography


I bought a new lens! It was a bit of an impulse buy but I just couldn’t help it. It’s a Sigma 30mm f1.4. Yes 1.4, that means it will have a MASSIVE depth of field and I’ll pretty…