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Digital Photography

Delicious autumn!

Look at the conkers we found during a walk through the park today! In my school days we’d have snaffled up every single one of them, but there were hundreds strewn under every horse chestnut tree we passed –…

Digital Photography

Queen Anne’s Lace

Looking from above, the flower heads of this Queen Anne’s Lace appear like topographic features – like little  floating islands……

Digital Photography


I had a nasty stomach bug last week, but thankfully by the weekend I was feeling better (if there’s one thing that’s worse than being sick it’s being sick at the weekend). To cheer myself up whilst at the…

Digital Photography

Blooming June

The best thing about having a birthday in June (just three days to go) is that you have the perfect excuse to buy yourself lots of gorgeous flowers… Including my favourite peonies (which were super cheap from the supermarket…

Digital Photography

Bank Holiday

Up at the crack of mid-morning and came downstairs to be greeted by the most wonderful scent… Twenty-four hours previously they had been growing quietly away in the lovely garden of my lovely, lovely mother-in-law, but now they are…

Digital Photography

Snow blossom

Is this hawthorn blossom? I’m not sure, I think so, but whatever it is it’s very pretty and there is lots of it about at the moment! I took theses photos on a long family country walk on Sunday…

Digital Photography

Photo Friday – Fuzzy

I totally love anything that’s fuzzy – in fact I can’t think of anything nasty that’s fuzzy. A particular favourite is fuzzy pussy-willow – like stems of bunny noses that are just begging to be stroked……

Digital Photography


…not because it’s valentine’s day, but because it feels like spring is springing up all around us  …