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FujiFilm X100T

"enjoy the little things" print

Enjoy the little things

Motivational prints are everywhere – some are funny, some inspiring and frankly, some are just plain cheesy. As a graphic designer they a fun thing to work on (which is probably why you see so many of them). ‘Enjoy the little things’…


A summer afternoon

It’s Sunday now and I’m writing this in the pouring rain. These photos from Saturday look like another world away; when the sun was shining and the whole weekend was full of possibilities. This old cemetery is at the end…


Lovely lavender

You can’t really tell from these photos but this little lavender farm was buzzing with a million bees. The smell was amazing too – I can see why the bees like it there so much!…

Digital Photography

So much green!

May is the month when everything turns green and it’s everywhere you look right now. That is if you’re able to get outside – a place I’ve been absent from a lot lately, and luckily that’s exactly where I was…

Digital Photography

Something new – FujiFilm X100T

I have a new camera! Now, I haven’t said that for AGES – and yes, you’re right, I did say I was going to reduce the drawers full of camera gear I have. Somehow though, I managed to persuade myself…

Digital Photography


One minute it’s all like this… Then you wake up one morning and everything’s gone Technicolor! I missed out on Spring last year, so this years bountiful blossoms have been more than welcome. I’ve been snapping away at every opportunity (as you…