
The following things have really been bugging me lately…

  1. The pile of unopened mail sat in the hallway – there must be nearly 2 weeks worth now… at least with internet spam you don’t get paper cuts.
  2. ‘M’ at work who has done all, yes ALL her Christmas shopping, AND wrapped everything up, and starts every conversation with “So, are you ready for Christmas then?” (No I’m fucking not!)
  3. Daylight saving. GMT sucks.
  4. The fact that I brought a big 24-pack of toilet-rolls and found out they were PEACH coloured. White is the ONLY colour for toilet rolls, those peach ones are REALLY going to bug me, I just know it, all 24 of them.
  5. Oh there’s so much more, but it’s 1am right now and I have to e up for work in the morning – that bugs me most of all!!

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