Hooray, Christmas is back on! It’s all a bit complicated, but I have sorted out the whole Amazon business by visiting a real shop and handing over cash to purchase something that I can hold in my hands and take away with me right away! It’s a great idea; I think this way of doing business will catch on big style in 2005. Admittedly I will end up eventually with two of the same thing, but I can return the Amazon one no problem.
By the way – hunt as you might for a contact telephone number on amazon.co.uk you wont find one, even though they DO have a customer service department!! If you’ve googled your way here looking for the phone number, here it is… 0800 279 6620 – you’ll get to talk to a real person!
I was really stressing out about not having my star gift to give on Christmas morning – every time I heard a carol or got a whiff of a mince pie or mulled wine I’d grind my teeth and envisage myself machine-gunning down the Amazon head office, shaking my fist and wailing to the sky “you fuckers said you dispatched within 24 hours”! But no, everything is wonderful again. I strode around the shoppping mall opening doors for people and whistling a happy tune (“Frosty The Snowman” I do believe) – I don’t think my high level of jolity was appreciated by everybody though, I’m sure it had an air of smugness about it judging by the snarling glances I was getting back. Ah well!
It’s not all good news though – I’ve just broken the zip on my jeans and it’s not even Christmas eve yet! Shit.
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