
Three things

  1. I’m caring a little too much about the voting on Comic Relief Does Fame Academy. I have programmed the Sky+ box to record every permutation of pre-show, main show, results show and post show episode. If only I could capture the 24/7 streaming too, all I would need to do is develop a non-serious but infectious disease, take a month off work, get in a huge supply of crumpets and marmite and I’d be sorted!
  2. Somehow, my car has passed its MOT. This has happened through no intervention by me or anyone over the past 12 months, except for filling up with petrol and an occassional tinkering with the dipstick. ( I LOVE that word). It’s a miracle.
  3. Because it was Mothers Day at the weekend, and my Mum came over (yes, I cooked, no, no one died) the house is now REALLY tidy, which is great. Funnily enough, I can remember as a kid helping with frantic tidying in a similar style when my gran was coming over. Repeating the sins of the Mothers!

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