
It’s a date!

Since my last post, which seems like ages ago (because it was ages ago)…

I have worked my last day of the year (15th December!) and had the office christmas ‘do’. Very nice food and we had a lovely time, but getting a bit boozed-up during office hours is very weird. When you eventually stagger out at 5pm-ish everyone else seems grumpy and cross-looking, just wanting to get to their car/bus-stop with the least amount of human interaction possible – me, wearing cracker hats and strategically draped tinsel suddenly feel completely out of place.

Needing to blend in and not wanting to go straight home I decided to take advantage of the late-night shopping hours… thankfully I hadn’t had too many Grand Marniers over the afternoon and didn’t buy anything too ridiculous, except maybe I did because I went a bit shoptastic in Paperchase and got myself a diary – a paper diary – what was I thinking!? I can’t even manage very regular entries on this blog, how is a paper diary going to help in any way? Throughout my day my appointments, thoughts, bodily functions and birthdays/anniversaries are scattered between this blog, outlook (home), outlook (work), outlook (pda), appointments + alarms (mobile phone), google calendar and yahoo calendar – these are just the ones I can think of. At least now if there is a huge powercut and a magnetic storm that disables all telecommunications, I’ll know when my library books are due back.

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