I’ve realised recently that I am one of those people that lives in the future. Not in a Marty McFly sort of way (although that would be very cool) more in the way that I am always looking towards what ‘could be’ in the hours/days/months/years ahead rather than dwelling too much on what has been.
I know this annoys people, especially when I appear to be ignoring the here-and-now in favour of the possibilities of future events but it’s just how my brain works.
Suffice to say I’m not all that into the reflective nature of new years eve but love the clean slate that Jan 1st offers.
I have a new moleskine and pen and I’m off to make some plans to share with you soon but just wanted to pop by and say HAPPY NEW YEAR! And here’s to the future 😉 xoxox
Angie Willis
1 January 2011 at 17:21I think a new Moleskine and pen just about sums up the clean page that a new year seems to offer us. I hope your year turns out to be the best yet!
Life with Kaishon
1 January 2011 at 18:05So exciting. Your new journal. I am so thankful for this new year. 2010 was a bit of a hard one…looking for better things in 2011. Looking and believing. : ) Wishing you all the best!
2 January 2011 at 03:11Happy New Year Angie! Love your blog & pics.
2 January 2011 at 12:46Same here – I love a fresh beginning … here’s to a fantastical 2011! 😀
8 January 2011 at 15:08ohhh this is so good. Would make an amazing Christmas card. Wonderful colours.. Carla
9 January 2011 at 22:20happy new year to you friend!
i hope it’s a good’un