Film Instant Photography

A new black & white

I got hold of some of Impossible’s B&W 2.0 film for my lovely Polaroid SX-70 (which I literally had to dust off before using). The best thing about this film is that you can just use it – like proper old-school Polaroid film. There’s no need to shield the film from light or keep it at a certain temperature (which is what you had to do with previous versions of the film). You simply wait five minutes, then gaze upon the beauty of the image you’ve created.

I love the black & white but I’m even more excited about the colour version that’s in the works – I’ll definitely be in the queue for that.

Polaroid SX-70

I took these on a quick visit to Oxford…

oxford - william herbert - polaroid

oxford - radcliffe camera - polaroid

(You can see bigger versions of these photos here and here on flickr).

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    22 May 2015 at 13:36

    Ohh the new film is so tempting!! These are beautiful results!

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