I picked such a lovely week to have off work – record-breakingly hot I’ll have you know! Crazily I promised a blossom-photo-free post didn’t I… I’ll be honest, there’s slim pickings in that case, the stuff is everywhere and…
Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn’t specialise in cow photography! I think that might be a niche too far though, it’s just that they’re so sweet and docile looking and they wander freely through the woods so you get…
I can’t think of any of those wordy things to say today, so here are a couple of ponies snapped on last weeks jaunt to the New Forest. Oh, there is one thing to say – I won a…
I had a wonderful day out yesteday; out to the New Forest with a car full of cameras the wonderful Leonie (check out her blog, it’s fab)! I have loads of photos to share with you but as I’m…
These are some of the cows that wander freely through the New Forest – you have to be a bit careful driving along as they like to spring out at you from behind trees but being cows they mostly…
Not many words today. I like horses (especially white ones), but from a fair distance……
“Oh, Mum – you’re so embarrassing!” …
People who ‘aren’t from round these parts’ always freak out a bit when you tale them to the New Forest and theay see all the ponies (and donkeys, pigs and cattle) wandering aimlessly around wherever they please. Although you…
The weekend was gorgeous. The leaves are almost fully out now so it must be time for bluebells! They are so wonderful and grow in huge swathes beneath the beech trees, just before the canopy of leaves completely obscures…
How on earth does something the shape and size of a cricket ball flit and fly so swiftly?…