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windowsill - polaroid sx70
Inspiration Instant Life Photography

I believe

Polaroid SX70 + 600 film + nd filter I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing. Kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going…

polaroid - Weston Shore, Southampton
Instant Photography


Nothing much to say, only that after days and days and days of rain, the sun and heat have finally arrived and it feels amazing – I feel drunk on sunshine!…

sweet williams - polaroid
Instant Life Photography

Home time

I’m off work this week, for a mixture of road trips, adventures, gentle days at home, oh, and two lots of birthday cake (Mark on the 8th, me on the 10th). Today was one of the mainly at home…

Instant Photography


I love a daisy! To be honest there’s not much I don’t love when it’s JUNE and the sun is shining. Wasps maybe, bit of a nuisance. And being confined in small spaces with sweaty commuters is no fun.…

Instant Photography

It’s Friday again?

Whilst making idle chit-chat today (like you do) I remarked on how it had been another crazy week, “just like all the other crazy weeks” – I do, I say things like that. I then got to thinking –…

Instant Photography

Rule 2

The second rule of Fight Polaroid Club (the first being you must take photos of magnolia blossoms) is that you must take photos of Ranunculus flowers. They I don’t come up with these rules willy nilly you know, oh…

Instant Photography

Sunny Sunday

It’s another scorcher here today, yes today, here in England, at the beginning of April. I know! It’s very strange indeed to go outside into July-like heat and see there’s no leaves on the trees. Topsy-turvy! It was odd…

Instant Photography


As I am writing this, bubbling away on the gas downstairs is a huge pan of soup. I used this recipe, except I didn’t have half the ingredients and added some other ones so it kinda isn’t that recipe…

Instant Photography

Instant love

I have been dusting off my Polaroid cameras over the last week or so – I find they really need lots and lots of light to be truly happy and what with having to be super-careful with my precious…

Instant Photography


My opportunities for being outside in daylight hours, let alone taking any photos is minimal these days to say the least. Each day I pass these berries on the way to work and think how delicious they look, so…