
Summer lovin’

I’ve tried hard not to write about the weather lately, as it seems I’ve been a bit pre-occupied with it (blog-wise), and next to someone telling you about what they dreamed about last night, or the state of their health, what could be more boring? All the same though, IT’S VERY FLIPPN’ HOT! You’re lucky this blog entry has capitalisation and punctuation, because frankly, it’s far too hot even to use the shift key. But I am a martyr, so I will. Can’t guarentee anything on the spelling front though.

Now, you have to remember I live in England. We are NOT used to coping, stucturally, physically or mentally, with extremes of weather of any kind. We are built to endure 12 months at a time of cloud, fog and drizzle, ranging from chilly in the winter to tepid in the summer. Going a full month with the temperature never dipping below 30C is freaking everybody out, big time. Some older folks have been seen leaving their homes without a coat! Others have been able to switch off the central heating.

I think this is summer, and I think I like it.

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