
It’s like living in ebay

Wow, it’s been AGES. I wish I could say that I’ve been doing some very exciting things during my absence, but I can’t. Because I haven’t. See, this is why I haven’t been writing; how boring!

There’s a lot of upheaval at work at the moment, which is a bit unsettling, plus January and February are always a bit bleak. The global warming is helping though, daffodils and crocuses have been up for ages and on a sunny day (indoors) you could convince yourself it’s April.

For the last year or so I have had a revelation of sorts regarding my material possessions; they are bad, bad things and I really don’t need so much stuff. I blame growing up in Thatcher’s Britain – materialism was compulsory and unavoidable and I was easy prey. Ebay, obviously, has earnt me a pretty penny. I have sold off my CDs, books, DVDs, clothes etc. I am now 100% an ‘on-demand’ person. Music via iTunes, movies via Amazon rental, books via the library. God how I love the library! What I want to know is though, why have I still got so much stuff?

The whole clutter situation isn’t helped by the fact that we seem to have zero storage space. I am extremely envious of people that have a garage and/or a basement. Do you think it would be safe to rip up the floorboards downstairs and start digging my own basement? Imagine all the extra room I’d have!

On a more realistic note, the dining room is next for a makeover. It’s at the centre of the house and so tends to get used as a dumping-ground for anything and everything that comes into the house. Plus, we have to eat our meals in there, so it’s become like eating dinner in a cloakroom and really not doing my culinary masterpieces any justice at all! I am thinking of incorporationg a huge built-in cupboard along one wall, to make room for all the necessary junk (if there is such a thing) that two gadget-loving, hoarding individuals with more money than sense have to have to have in the twenty-first century. Lots.

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  • Reply
    7 February 2007 at 02:14

    Ok, if you had a garage or a basement, you would just feel more justified to clutter it up with more stuff… haha.
    Good luck on your dining room remodel.

  • Reply
    7 February 2007 at 22:28

    Glad you’re back Angie and everything is ok….
    As for ebay I have so much stuff to sell and ebay scares me… I’m totally confused by how much to charge or how much of a cut ebay take or how to arrange for people to pay me… Am I just being anal and its really quite simple?????
    I have storage… in the loft… and its maxxed out…

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