Well, a little bit of sunshine goes a long way when you’re used to incessant rain and having to take your umbrella everywhere. As you’ll know if you’ve seen the previous post I spent Friday afternoon at a delightful farm with some very photogenic animals.
On Saturday my local park, St James’ Park in Southampton, had it’s 100th birthday party. It’s looking good for its age, and it was great to see so many people turning up to support it, I hope we don’t have to wait another 100 years for the next one!
For some strange reason I was drawn to this stand, can’t think why!
It went on all day and into the night – my favourite bit of entertainment was the local infant school singing The Beatles!
On Sunday, amongst other things, we went into town, and as you can see the rain showers were back to their normal, ever-present selves…
But I don’t suppose the plant-life minds all this constant refreshment, even if it is behind bars!
1 Comment
9 July 2007 at 21:37Hmpf – where’s the funky layout+design+banner? I agree that going back to basics is sometimes OK, but this is shocking 😉