Digital Photography

No use denying it

I hate to even think this, let alone say it out loud or commit it to writing, but it’s been feeling very autumnal just lately!

There have been smatterings of crunchy leaves beneath the feet – just a few but enough to trigger my leaf-kicking gene. The conkers and chestnuts have plumped up nicely and are getting ready to drop into the path of delighted pedestrians on their way to a new school or another day at the office (who can resist the lure of a shiny brown conker straight from it’s velvety cocoon of green spikes)?

Whilst I’d love to hang on to the summer for as long as I possibly can, I do love all the new colours, smells and sounds that the autumn brings. The diminishing daylight hours is a high price to pay though, amd why does winter seem to last FOREVER!?

I’m all about embracing the day though, and will be standing by with open arms (and a lot of cameras) to welcome and capyure all it has to offer. More even than last year (see above).

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