I saw my Mum yesterday and meant to get her to sign my note excusing me from blogging lately – basically my ‘big’ computer has been poorly to the extent that I couldn’t edit my RAW files (and I couldn’t bring myself to shoot in JPG).
Everything is better now though (marrying your Network Administrator helps) and I thought I’d better prove that I do still know how to use my camera (see pic below) – this place needs some photos!
I’m taking you to quite an exotic location now – my back garden. Let’s have a little look at what’s out here; oh yes, some curly wurly willow – I bought this as it reminded me of my hair. I like things that remind me of other things.
These twigs will one day be a leafy and lovey Japanese Acer. Do you spell ‘acer’ like that, like the computer brand? Hang on…. [google]… yes, you do. (Proving I am more geek than gardener).
Now, here’s a treat for you – an upturned bucket that has collected rainwater and dead leaves. Some people might call it messy, I call it ‘improvised bird bath’.
I am really looking forward to this particular plant blossoming and fruiting, it’s a blueberry bush! Last year was quite a battle between me and the blackbirds who loved them too – I tried netting my precious little berries but the bastard birds had the upper hand as they were able to poo out blue plops in protest. I’m working on a new plan, I can’t tell you though as they might be read my blog *wink*.
That blurry figure in the photo above is the aforementioned ‘Network Administrator’ (I call him Admin for short). He’s seen me photographing the upturned bucket and is rolling his eyes and saying I’m a ‘big help’. Well yes, I think I am!
Cheri Ingram
21 February 2011 at 05:07Welcome back! I have missed your post and pictures and looking forward to your post. I love to read your blog thanks so much. Thanks … Cheri
21 February 2011 at 09:12No note? Blog detention for you, young lady.

Life with Kaishon
5 March 2011 at 20:37You can’t bear to shoot jpeg?
I can’t bear to shoot raw.
: ) Let’s stay friends anyway!