Monthly Archives

October 2011

polaroid - lake district - sheep

Sunday supplement (on a Friday)

This past couple of days I’ve been feeling pretty awful; tonsillitis and I can hardly hear! The only up-side to this is I have had lots of time to trawl the internet, and here’s what I found… I want…

Digital Life Photography

Togetherness – a family photo shoot

Now that the weather has finally decided it really is autumn rather than a scorching hot summer (that was a rather unexpected but lovely few days, wasn’t it) I have become wistful for those lazy, long days of sun,…

polaroid - grasmere gingerbread
Instant Life Photography

Grasmere Gingerbread

One  of the places we visited in the Lake District was Grasmere, and I feel I need to dedicate a whole post to the delicacy that is Sarah Nelson’s Grasmere Gingerbread. Oh. My. God. It is amazing – I’m…

walking back to the car
Digital Photography

Take a lake break

OK, brace yourselves, if you scroll down you’re going to see a lot of photos, and this is just the tip of the iceberg really – I still have films to develop and Polaroids to scan. These are all…