Number one on my photography wishlist is a tilt and shift lens – specifically this one, which, when you see the price you’ll realise why it’s not on my ‘lenses I own’ list!
For now then I will make do with the pretend tilt and shift setting on my Canon G12 (the ‘miniature’ mode).
Here’s how todays sunset looked…
20 November 2011 at 18:16On my wishlist is a Hasselblad. And as you know, the reason it’s on the wishlist: the price tag. Still, I once had a play with one and it’s like tasting food that you can always remember but never have again. Le sigh.
21 November 2011 at 14:34Ooh yes, a Hasselblad is also on that wishlist, for sure! I have a ‘Hasselbladski’ which is a Soviet copy (a Zenith 80) – it’s great but sometimes a little temperamental
21 November 2011 at 07:34Rent one first. They are really fun.
Not sure if I would use one much, but I’d certainly rent one for a few days to play with after having a taster session.
21 November 2011 at 14:35I think I might just do that – maybe the next time I go on holiday and can get the most use from it
22 November 2011 at 10:02You can make anything look lovely. PS: add me to the Hasselblad waiting (to be a gazillionaire) list please.
22 November 2011 at 23:36OK, I am writing out the shopping list now – that’s three Hasselblads we need. I’ll get some sweets too.