Remember that film I had hanging around for ages? Well I received the prints today – hoorah!
When I was a kid I can recall that we’d have films developed with two separate Christmases on (and a summer holiday in the middle). I’m not that bad – this only took about 4 months to finish.
There was that trip to Liverpool…
Then a quick hop over the border into Wales…
And then of course there’s London – these are my favourite…
But most of them were taken last Friday – down to the local ‘beach’… it’s not really a beachy-beach but there’s always something magical about being next to the water when the sun is shining…
So yes, on this freezing cold, almost snowy day I got to relive some wonderful memories – I’d almost forgotten about some of them. I really must try to speed up this lazy workflow in the future though!
All photos taken with my Yashica T3-Super and Kodak Ektar 100 film
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