When you’re married to the worlds biggest Bowie fan then of course you go the the V&A Museum’s special David Bowie exhibition – if you want to stay married that is. Luckily I do (plus I’d happily go to anything Bowie-related…
Camden Town is a part of London I’ve always heard mentioned in books and songs but never visited before so on Sunday we decided to have an explore. Let me mention at this point I had inadvertently organised this trip…
Remember that film I had hanging around for ages? Well I received the prints today – hoorah! When I was a kid I can recall that we’d have films developed with two separate Christmases on (and a summer holiday…
I think Brick Lane has to one of my favourite venues for a Sunday afternoon jaunt, and as I got to spend a long weekend in London, that’s exactly where I headed. It’s not touristy like the Tower of London…
The second half of my trip to London last week took in some wonderfully familiar scenery. The south bank of the Thames is always a perfect location for a photographic stroll as the landscape is suitably iconic yet always…
I popped up to London last week! I had such a good day, I was visiting the brilliant Leonie, who if you haven’t checked out should do so right now – she takes the most beautiful photos and writes fabulous…
I think the last time I visited The Natural History Museum in London was on a school trip – back in the days when it was just called The Natural Museum and all the dinosaurs were wandering around alive…
This is actually an old photo from a previous trip to London, but rather appropriate, don’t you think? I wonder if the queen gets RSI in her waving hand? You’re jubilee’d out aren’t you. I know, I know! Me too. Trouble is, I’ve been stuck…
I’m sure it wont have escaped your notice (especially if you’re in GB right now) that jubilee fever is in full swing! That’s why there’s rain forecast. D’oh. Look at Oxford Street – pretty, huh! I was actually splap…
When I visit London I can hear the beating of my heart. At first the pulsing blood in my ears is loud; I am too slow and too careful. Being thrust among so many souls quickens me though and…