Monthly Archives

January 2013

Instant Photography

Winter ponderland

I ponder on some very random things when I’m in meetings at work drifting off to sleep. Like, why do you never get goosebumps on your face? How does dry-cleaning work? And why is it I’ve not used my beloved Polaroid SX-70…

Inspiration Photography

My favourite wedding photographers

I’ve always had enormous admiration for wedding photographers. When I close my eyes and envision myself taking on this role it rapidly turns into an episode of Mr Bean but with loads more swearing and general mayhem. I am…

Inspiration Life Photography


If you’re reading this then it means we all made it to 2013 – happy new year! Have you made any resolutions? I’ve made my now traditional annual promises; things like be more organised, be less fearful and get…

Photography Tutorials

Add writing to photos using Photoshop

Whilst a picture may speak a thousand words, it can shout really loud if you combine it with words. I love how a simple phrase when combined with a photograph can totally change the meaning of what you’re seeing…