
5fives with Bran LeFae

Bran has such an artistic spirit and it’s fascinating to see how this emerges in her photographic work…

Bran LeFae - self-portraitI am co-owner of Bramblethorn Studios just north of Seattle, WA, USA. My main focus is abstract photography, which I generally create under natural lighting outdoors in urban settings.

I love photography! I find the exploration of form, line, shape, and most of all light absolutely intoxicating. I enjoy creating strong compositions that draw the viewer into a place of contemplation. Photography has been my hobby for many years now and I am both blessed and excited to be able to focus on it as my profession.

For some people, art is their path from day one. For others, it’s something we come to as the years go on – and we bring our diverse experiences with us into our artwork. In recent years, the shifting economy has brought many people new career paths. I’ve sampled a few myself and I couldn’t be happier to be where I am now. It is my desire to bring an appreciation of hidden beauty and a moment of stillness into the world through the images I create. No matter where you are in life, I hope my images speak to you as well. May you find beauty on your path and hope in your heart.

My top five artists

  1. Imogen Cunningham – also both a scientist (my degree is in Biology) and a photographer from the Pacific Northwest, Imogen Cunningham’s wonderful images are stunning and inspirational to me. I especially love images like Agave Design 2. I find her work often ethereal and abstract even when representational.
  2. Judit Reigl – I was lucky enough to see a large color field piece by Ms. Reigl at the Seattle Art Museum’s Elles exhibit recently. I’ve enjoyed learning more about her and her continually evolving work through her website. I would love to see more of her work in person – perhaps someday!
  3. Mark Rothko – I’m quite an addict of color field pieces right now. They offer an opportunity for contemplation and a challenge in our understanding of composition. Mark Rothko’s work speaks to me as transcendent and transformative. I’m currently exploring creating color fields through photography, both in the studio and on site at various locations around Seattle, WA.
  4. Ian LeFae – what kind of a partner would I be if my husband wasn’t one of my favorite artists? It’s been wonderful to support Ian as he has developed his professional art career. Seeing him completely conquer art school and accept new challenges has helped me have the confidence to step away from what culture tells us about the do’s and don’ts of careers and find my own creative voice.
  5. Tamara de Lempicka – another find from the Elles exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum, de Lempicka’s work and life were extraordinary and very sensual. I’ve enjoyed learning about both from “Passion by Design: The Art and Times of Tamara de Lempicka” by Baroness Kizette de Lempicka, her daughter. A most excellent read!

My top five blogs

  1. Scott Kelby’s Photoshop Insider blog – I’m not a sports fan but it’s fascinating to see Scott at work. He’s extremely knowledgeable and shares his insights with relevance and character. There could be more of a female presence on this blog, though – and I’m not talking cheerleaders. 😉
  2. Body Love: Yoga, Health and Fitness by Autumn Needles – My friend and local yoga and Pilates teacher, Autumn, writes on meditation and healthy living. She gives sound advice from her own experiences. She also writes about the connection between sexuality and the body, mind and spirit on her blog Spicy Confessions from an Alluring Yoga Temptress.
  3. Into the White by Tia White. Tia and I often go shooting together and her photo blog is focused on her own development as a photographer. Lots of the Pacific Northwest in this blog!
  4. The Model Alliance Daily Feed. I used to work on the other side of the lens as a model and completely support the mission of the Model Alliance – creating fair treatment for models and addressing unhealthy standards. Brilliant!
  5. Seattle Art Blog. This blog is a great way to stay updated on local art events here in the Pacific Northwest.

My top five dream photo locations

  1. Aboard a working fishing vessel at dock.
  2. Train yard.
  3. Inside an industrial processing facility.
  4. Falling down buildings.
  5. Any location that can offer various degrees of metal fatigue and stress.

My top five drinks

  1. Espresso
  2. Jasmine tea
  3. Prosecco
  4. Pear juice
  5. Dry white wines (with citrus and mineral notes)!

My top five photos I’ve taken

  1. Contrast and Time from the Lines and Angles series. I love working with high contrast images with a strong composition. I especially love the texture and deep colors in this piece.
    Contrast and Time by Bran LeFae
  2. Deep Green Path. This photograph was taken at a forest hike not far from my home, north of Seattle, WA, USA. It’s a lucky shot – captured exactly as shot with no other development needed. I’m also lucky to live in such a beautiful location – even if there were warning signs for Sasquatch, bears and cougars along the trail.
    Deep Green Path by Bran LeFae
  3. Earth to Fire is an abstract composition taken on location in south Seattle last fall. I love the details and clean lines in this piece. It reminds me of color field pieces by Barnett Newman, another inspirational American abstractionist.
    Earth to Fire by Bran LeFae
  4. Half Step Sideways is part of the Color Field series. How I create these images is a mystery even to me, which is half the fun of it. I’m fascinated with the idea of creating color field abstractions using a camera. Stay tuned for more! This is a very active series for me.
    Half Step Sideways by Bran LeFae
  5. Lines Division from the Night Light series. There are plenty of areas around Seattle that provide both lights and reflections on dark summer nights. The Night Light series plays with available light and long exposures, my own exploration of painting with light.
    Lines Division by Bran LeFae


The power of lists

5fives is a series of interviews with heartfelt, creative people who are responding to five sets of five questions. Whether the answers are single words, essays or even images, together they are fascinatingly compelling and revealing. Contact me if you’d like to be next!

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    19 February 2013 at 12:13

    awesome tattoos!!!!

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