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Instant Photography

Ahh, Sunday

All the elements needed for a perfect day to go out and take photographs managed to align themselves today and so I got to do just that! These are all Polaroids, lovely, lovely Polaroids, but I was also toting…

Instant Photography


One of things I do love about January is the dreaming and scheming that fills my brain for the year ahead. At the moment I am fixating on holidays and working out where to travel to. Somewhere that’s hot…

Digital Photography


Today I realised that we’re definitely past that pesky winter solstice as it seemed really light at 4.30 this afternoon – hardly dark at all! I celebrated by throwing in a bunch of tulips with my supermarket shopping.…

Digital Photography


I have a whole of the year in front of me and I’m determined to make the most of it – find the value in the small things and take some bigger steps, too.…

my textured photos
Digital Photography Tutorials

Textured, vintage-looking photos

In answer to quite a few emails I’ve had, I have finally put together this little tutorial all about how to turn an everyday photo into something vintage-looking and textural. The instruction that follow are given for Photoshop, but…

Digital Photography

Beside the seaside

The sea hasn’t quite frozen over yet, but phew, it’s getting close to it! This is Weston Shore in Southampton – the nearest seasidy place I could get to without exiting the city and braving unsalted roads. Now, this…

Digital Photography


It is still cold. Very cold. Embedded in permafrost. I did manage to make it into the back garden though.…

Film Photography

‘Indoor games’

I booked this week off work thinking I’d be out every day with my camera(s); off to various locations around the south, snapping and adventuring and having a thoroughly good time. Instead I am virtually housebound and slipping and…

Digital Photography

Deep freeze

It’s still oh so cold and England is still panicking. We are totally geared-up for drizzle, fog and general blustery inclemency but get totally fazed when the temperature drops to minus figures; and especially by snow. But, for all…

Instant Photography


If you leave your warm-hearted, vintage polaroid camera in the car overnight (in sub-zero temperatures) I can tell you that the pictures you’ll get out if it the next day won’t be what you’re expecting! These were taken inside…