I’ve been off the radar so far as the internet and social media goes for a few days which was a wrench at first and then transitioned into a great relief. It has been quite bizarre to pop the…
50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro lens
Meteorologists have been saying that when autumn finally gets started then the mild weather we’ve been having should mean it will be a very colourful one, leaf-wise. Well, I think it’s finally got started and it is indeed looking…
Today is the last day of the longest and hardest month of the year. I always, always find January a slog and for whatever reason it seems an even harder wade through treacle this year than usual; it’s felt…
I hope you’ve all had a jolly old christmas, I know I have; too much of lots of things and presents too – fab! It’s frrreeeezing here (it’s been the coldest December since records began and the temperature hasn’t…
This is where I can show off one of the few proper flower names I know; echinops. I have no idea why that particular one has lodged itself in the tiny bit of my brain that actually remembers the…
I have introduced you to Alan the sea urchin before, but he complained that I’d caught him unprepared and not used his ‘good side’ so to stop his moaning I set up a full-on photoshoot to show him in…
* Everyone I have met today has had a really bad case of the Monday bleughs, never mind, it’s nearly over! * Why are my feet so cold? * Garden birds go mental with delight if you put out…
I think Tesco must have overdone the flowers for Mother’s Day last week as they had LOADS of beautiful bouquets reduced to less than a pound each! Here’s a close up of one of my beautiful anenomes for Photo…
Counting up the rings I think this tree is was the same age as me……
I am very excited as I now have a smashing new macro lens for my camera – it’s so much fun to get right up close and personal with everyday objects, but I won’t rest until I have ‘captured’…