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Pentax K1000

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Film Photography

8 film photography tips for beginners

Type the name of your camera into YouTube – there’s nothing quite like watching somebody handle a camera that’s just like the one you own to make you feel more comfortable with it yourself. Check the battery! Just because…

Film Life Photography


There’s not a lens wide enough or a filter freaky enough to do justice to the landscape that is Dungeness. It’s home to a nuclear power station, a small gauge railway, a lighthouse or two, loads of shipwecks, a…

Film Photography


So, it didn’t rain every day on my visit to Kent, just most days! That’s fine though, I went with the flow. The rain was warm, there were plenty of cosy, dry coffee shops and I got to relax…

Film Photography

A change of plan

I am happy to report that in the last week some photos were taken. By me! It didn’t quite go to plan – I got all the way to Kent before realising I had no memory cards with me.…

Film Photography

Cheap as chips

Guess what, I love film photography! OK, so that’s no secret – nor is the fact that I love a bargain, which is why I feel no shame in admitting to shopping in Poundland. So, Poundland (I don’t have…

Film Photography


Crazily (even though it’s almost April), since I took these photos the UK has been smothered, kicking and screaming beneath blankets of snow. I am totally getting why people up sticks and move to Spain – I’d bloody love to…

Film Photography

The Cotswolds

If you’ve ever done a jigsaw puzzle of a quaint little English village, or spotted one on your granny’s box of chocolates then there’s a very good chance it was of somewhere in The Cotswold’s. That’s where I’ve been for the last few days!…

Film Photography


That weekend went jolly quickly! I surprised myself though and actually managed to finish a roll of film and send it away for processing. I’m not saying I’m fickle (I am) but I’ve found that one of the downsides…

Film Photography

Lavender London part two (South Bank)

The second half of my trip to London last week took in some wonderfully familiar scenery. The south bank of the Thames is always a perfect location for a photographic stroll as the landscape is suitably iconic yet always…

Film Photography

Lavender London part one (Deptford)

I popped up to London last week! I had such a good day, I was visiting the brilliant Leonie, who if you haven’t checked out should do so right now – she takes the most beautiful photos and writes fabulous…