I’ll tell you what I like; Nak’d Bars. I think in North America you have something similar called a Larabar. Either way they’re yummy. Basically it’s a raw snack bar with a base ingredient of dates. That sounds awfully…
One of the places we visited in the Lake District was Grasmere, and I feel I need to dedicate a whole post to the delicacy that is Sarah Nelson’s Grasmere Gingerbread. Oh. My. God. It is amazing – I’m…
After a bit of experimentation I’ve decided to record this recipe in case I get knocked down by a bus win the lottery and don’t get to pass on its gorgeousness to the world. I’m never organised enough during…
I’ve always liked the look of a bundt cake; using a fancy tin I imagined would make the plainest and simplest cake look super-special. It turns out that I was spot on! Lidl is a cheap, German supermarket chain…
You may have spotted yesterday that I had an overwheming urge to bake. One of those said items was shortbread, which turned out perfectly – light, buttery and crumby, but holds together beautifully well. All this and very simple…
The morning: I had a lovely choc-chip muffin for breakfast today (brought from the coffee-shop at work along with a large capuccino + extra shot). I’m not sure if muffins are *supposed* to have a half-inch crunchy crust of…
If you ever need a killer recipe for blueberry muffins I can totally recommend this one at allrecipes.com. I would suggest not converting the recipe to metric if this is what you normally work in – when I’ve done…
Look at what I made. See how Nigella is looking on all approvingly… These are Nigella’s Snow-Flecked Brownies with my own patented and very classy(!) topping. Add a layer of After-Eight mints when the brownies are straight out of…
Oh my goodness, I think I’ve invented the best recipe yet, even if I do say so myself. There seems to be a glut of blackberries at the moment (not that I’m complaining), and rather than make an apple…