

In a bid to heave myself from my blogging rut and back into the increasingly social and collaorative world of t’internet I have come up with a plan, it involes a ‘random word generator’ and actually doing some work.

This is the website I used. I set myself a rule of absolutelypositively only using the first word it generates. Has to be the first one, no cheating. OK, well the second then, but no more clicking!

Your random word is:   modification

When I saw the word ‘modification’ my immediate thought was about modifying myself – namely changing my ways and improving my physical-self (the two things being inexorably linked, I’m sure). It’s not that I hate myself, I’m just all too aware of the things that are holding me back.

The chaos and cacophony of thoughts and ideas in my head; the plans and wishes and dreams and memories are very much echoed in my surroundings, so one thing I need to modify (soon before I am totally swamped) is all the ‘stuff’ that’s anywhere and everywhere in my home! My head and the rooms in my house need decluttering and organising. The head stuff will improve (I am sure) when the house stuff does. Have joined freecycle in a bid to give away stuff I can’t be bothered to sell on ebay, all I need to do now is sever the bonds with the books that I’m never going to read, the magazines I’m never going to look at again and the rest of the COMPLETE RUBBISH I insist on giving shelfroom (floorspace) to.

I definitely need to modify my body. Specifically I need to lose weight. OK, so I am working on that, but when you’re predisposed to laziness and have a job that involves sitting at a desk all day it requires a whole lot more self-discipline and denial than I am generally comfortable with. So, so many reasons why I have got to this place but am determined to beat this weird love/hate relationship and so hopefully will be successful.

So, there you go, modification. Change is good.

[This blog post was brought to you through the power of unravelling]

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  • Reply
    17 July 2009 at 19:41

    OMG – that whole piece could have been written about me. I am sitting in the dining room feeling the ‘stuff’ getting closer and closer and I’m getting fatter and fatter. Pretty soon I’m going to be wedged in the house!!!

  • Reply
    20 July 2009 at 14:01

    we are downsizing from a six bedroom house to a condo in the sky with a roof terrace. this weekend….200 books gone, five bags of garbage, and a pile for the thrift store. surprisingly it feels good. what amazes me is that i am a tidy person and i can’t believe how i kept so much clutter tidy and why i even bothered. magazines, don’t ask.

  • Reply
    21 July 2009 at 17:27

    Hi, I’m margie’s sister, Kath. I have already decluttered, I did it five years ago and have maintained a reasonably clutter free existence. The other stuff though? I hear you. I’ve started though. Egged on by blog friends, I’m working on my list.

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