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Digital Life Photography


This is my fail-safe Madeira Cake recipe that always works. Thanks Nigella! All you need are some lovely fresh ingredients… Free-range eggs, of course… Mix and stir and mix some more, chuck into appropriately sized loaf tin and sprinkle…

Digital Photography


Just look at this little chap! He’s the first of what I am hoping to be many courgettes, fresh from the garden. I just sliced him longways down the middle, flower and all, and stuck in in a hot…


Is the kettle on?

I’ve discovered tea drinking. I am English, so obviously I have drunk tea on many occassions before, but my copious buying and drinking of so many espresso-based coffees every day has been taking it’s toll on my finances and…

Digital Photography

Asparagus for dinner

This is hardly a recipe. I brought some asparagus which is in season at the moment, but when I got home I realised it was a bit wrinkled and floppy. Not good. Rather than steaming it and accentuating its…

Life Phone Photography

Birthday cake

The malteser cake, it was a huge success! Not only did it look just like the picture in the recipe book, but it also tasted just perfect and I’ll definitely be making it again. Don’t be thrown by the…

Digital Photography

Some like it hot

Here is one of my jars of home-grown, home-made pickled jalepnos. I like to think Nigella would be proud of me……


A souper way to go!

Last night, with nothing else as an option (well, nothing else I fancied), I ate a tin of soup. This wasn’t any old soup though, oh no, this was Heinz Scottish Vegetable Soup. This has long been my favourite…

Digital Photography


My favourite tea-time snack: marmite-y crumpets… My birthday bouquet, still going strong… Me, in the mirror… What a lovely pair of mangoes……

Digital Photography

Photo Friday – Golden

This is cheating a bit, as I used this photo for Easter, but here it is again, looking all golden! [previous words…] Happy Easter hunny bunnies! Can you see my slobber marks on the shop window?…