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Design Life Photography

June favourites

How different sorts of tears look totally different close up. Spotify has been my saviour this last month or so – I feel so dispirited with the music played on radio nowadays, it’s just not for me. Now I have collected so…


January favourites

January always seems to last at least twelve weeks so unsurprisingly I have a lot of things in this months list of favourites. Like, my new favourite mug. Spencer Murphy won the Taylor Wessing Portrait of the year 2013…


December favourites

I got t he best gift of all this Christmas (no, not a Furby) I got a big old dollop of free time! It was wonderful – nothing to do for a whole week. Do you know what I…


October favourites

Whilst I may be uber-busy these days with plans for world domination, I am still the worlds best/worst procrastinator. Hence the following… For starters there’s this wedding proposal caught on video and also this beautiful wedding both of which…

Inspiration Life Photography

July favourites

Oh, July, you’ve been amazing. Simply golden! So much light and heat and sunshine – everything I ever wished for. You’ve given me a huge dollop of inspiration to find a way out of my 9-5 existence and into…

Design Life Photography

June favourites

This month I was made to add another number to my age, another candle to my cake; I am now 6.63324958071² I love June – not because of birthdays but because of all the light and colour and flowers!…

Inspiration Photography

April favourites

These are getting later and later, aren’t they! I’ve got some corkers for you though, so hopefully you’ll think they’re worth the wait. Firstly, my favourite wedding/engagement photography blog ever is ‘Twin Lens Life’ by The Brothers Wright – they have…

Instant Life Photography

March favourites

My favourite photography blog My favourite flickr photo (a whole set, actually; a whole awesome set) My favourite retro TV show – thanks Netflix My favourite current TV show (OMG, the tension, the paranoia, the twisty-turny conspiracy-ness)! My favourite…

Life Photography

February favourites

I knooooooooooooow it’s March. I know! Here though, at last, are my February favourites… My favourite flickr photo (and this one) My favourite thing I want from Etsy My favourite read I have a new favourite social network (yes,…