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tudor house - southampton
Digital Life Photography

Tudor House

Back as a kid in the 80s I remember going on school trips to the Tudor House museum in Southampton (much of the city was flattened by enemy bombs during WWII so this was one of the few ‘old’…

pony and tower blocks
Digital Photography

Urban pony

Here’s another photo from Friday when I went to Weston Shore. If you’re wondering why you’ve never heard of this south coast beach ‘resort’ before, it’s probably because it’s sandwiched between an oil-refinery and a relatively intimidating, brutalist sink…

queen anne's lace - I

Queen Anne’s Lace

It’s hard to believe but the brilliantly-named Queen Anne’s Lace is actually a form of wild carrot! It’s one of my favourite, favourite plants – I love how it appears to be topped with a little cage, bulging with…

Digital Photography

Down my street

Well, not exactly my street but it’s walking distance and a bit more interesting… …you never know who you might meet or what you might find just lying around… …and after you’ve kicked through all the leaves and nosed…

Digital Photography

Boat show

I finally got round to selling some of my beloved camera kit (only the stuff that wasn’t compatible with my full-frame Canon 5D – I’m not crazy) I should have done it weeks ago but it always takes a…

Digital Photography

August break XV

I have a soft spot for brutalist architecture. I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea but I prefer that a designer has tried something different and innovative with new materials rather than try and replicate the past on…

Film Photography

August break VII

I took these when I was out and about at the Southampton ‘seaside’ a coupla weeks ago. I had to use the film up and get them processed though so had to wait a while to see the results.…

Instant Photography

Sea view

This here is my local beach, Weston Shore. (There’s a fantastic description of the place on the brilliant website Nothing To See Here). If you’ve ever caught to the ferry to the Isle of Wight you’ll have passed it;…

Film Photography


Hooray for getting photos back from the lab! I take the 35mm films to the local supermarket – only 99p for development and 99p for putting on CD. I can’t complain about the price or the service but wish…