Big news – last weekend I managed to get out of the house to somewhere that wasn’t work, the post office, Staples, or Tesco Express! No prizes for guessing where – if it’s autumn and you live near a…
Whilst I may be uber-busy these days with plans for world domination, I am still the worlds best/worst procrastinator. Hence the following… For starters there’s this wedding proposal caught on video and also this beautiful wedding both of which…
There’s not a lens wide enough or a filter freaky enough to do justice to the landscape that is Dungeness. It’s home to a nuclear power station, a small gauge railway, a lighthouse or two, loads of shipwecks, a…
It’s 1.15am. Again. And I am desperately trying to think of things I’ve been up to lately apart from being sat in front of a computer screen, busily building up my online empire. If I were to create an…
Oh, July, you’ve been amazing. Simply golden! So much light and heat and sunshine – everything I ever wished for. You’ve given me a huge dollop of inspiration to find a way out of my 9-5 existence and into…
I spent Friday in wonderful company plus the sun was shining and I had a bag full of cameras. What could be better? We explored the Hampshire countryside and stopped by the Lavender farm I was a bit dismissive…
Let me just start by saying I have not done this! Yes, the heat is getting to me somewhat but I am still in possession of the same tonnage of camera kit as I was last week. It is…
This month I was made to add another number to my age, another candle to my cake; I am now 6.63324958071² I love June – not because of birthdays but because of all the light and colour and flowers!…
Turns out (without wishing to humblebrag) that selling your work online somewhere popular like whilst working full-time on a project that’s counting down to D-Day at the same time leaves you very little time to do things like blog,…
If I had to pick one word to sum up my experience of ‘Blogging every day in May’ it would be ‘surprise’. Surprise that I (pretty much) managed to blog every single day. Surprise about how much I was…